Today, there is not astrology but astrologies: this science with the single origin having been forced to adapt over the centuries to human society and its evolution says Best Aghori tantrik astrologer in Karnataka.
Besides astro-psychology, based on the currents of psychology of Jungian influence that we have just mentioned, we can also find:
– Humanist astrology: It is an American astrological current quite close to astro psychology, carried by the famous Dan Rhudyar (a name at least surely known by amateur astrologers). In addition to the psychological approach, this school considers above all that astrology is a means of teaching self-knowledge and personal development.
– Conditionalist astrology: It is a French current (Cocorico!) Of the 1960s. It is recommended as the most “modern” astrology. Built on different bases, it does not attach the planets to symbolic meanings, but has signals that are expressed in different planes: the RET system (RET for Representation – Existence and Transcendence). Best tantrik astrologer in Karnataka will not expand further on this astrological school which does not speak to me at all in the current state of my culture and my practice.
– Karmic astrology: Eastern spiritual influence, karmic astrology hooks the human to the whole of the universe and widens the analysis beyond the existence of the moment.
– Traditionalist astrology: According to Best tantrik astrologer in Karnataka it is probably the closest to the original astrology. To the seven planets visible to the naked eye used in the Middle Ages, it has of course added the stars discovered by technological innovations, but it probably remains too deterministic and can pose the question of human free will on its destiny. The schools of astro-psychology, humanist, conditionalist, karmic or traditionalist astrology are of course serious approaches, although different from astrology. The subject here is not to oppose them to each other. If my practice is closer to astro-psychology and humanist astrology, Best Aghori tantrik astrologer in Karnataka do not declare themselves and do not follow any hermetically. Any approach that may be good to use with the overall objective of supporting the consultant.