Nodes can be called as points of soul magnetism, one of which draws into the future, the other from the past. Our passage through the different stages of life is profusely marked so as not to make a mistake, due to the location of the nodes. The process Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Etawah call life consists of harmonizing both in a happy way for the individual, since his present incarnation is a symbol of his transition from the past to the future.
According to Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala, today’s man is the result of building thousands of years of experience. In each of his incarnations he added errors and successes and he was forming a psychological profile that forces him to play a certain role, increasingly supported by deeply rooted atavisms that greatly facilitate things to trip over the same stone.
If we review Hindu astrology at, it attributes characteristics of true planetary bodies … Considered as additional components of the system and designates them with the names of RahĂș and KetĂș. The priority of one node over another is not a constant. Until the southern node has reached its highest possible level, the individual will find less reward at the northern node than expected.
As the southern node represents a culmination of behavioral characteristics over many lifetimes, only by achieving a progressive evolution of such behavior will the individual be prepared to benefit from his northern node says Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Etawah. Otherwise, its approach to the north node would be negative. But if you strive to overcome the ways your southern node is limiting you,
THE SOUTH NODE It is representative of the sum of experiences accumulated by a being over several incarnations, it symbolizes the past of man says Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala. It is not the symbolism of a past incarnation, but a combination of events, ideas, attitudes, and thoughts from each incarnation, the accumulated unresolved effects of which have created life today.