Personal (individual) horoscopeis a general description of a person’s birth horoscope by Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala with a detailed analysis of its potential strengths and weaknesses. A personal horoscope is an indispensable tool for identifying a person’s talents, identifying his problem areas and pain points. After reading the text of his personal horoscope, compiled by a professional astrologer, a person begins to understand a lot in himself and with greater clarity presents himself as a whole person. This type of service will be useful for both an adult and a child (or rather, for parenting).
A personal Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Mango is not intended to paint a person’s entire life in advance, because the life of any person is unique and to paint in advance everything that supposedly happens to a person throughout his life only on the basis of his horoscope is simply stupid. There is an astrological forecast for this, which true professionals at do no more than 3 years in advance, because the farther the forecast event is, the greater the error arises in the astrological forecast.
According to Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala, in a personal horoscope it mainly describes the person’s character, his strengths and weaknesses, the particularities of his approach to the love sphere and the sphere of marriage, the topic of health, marriage and personal relationships, the topic of celibacy or polygamy (if there are special instructions in this horoscope), the topic of professional orientation and career, the possibility of emigration or long trips, the topic of financial stability and much more. Without fail, during the description of the personal horoscope, Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Mango suggest ways to solve problems and adjust client approaches to some (critical for him) areas of life. Each person is born with his own abilities, unique character, talents and personal destiny. A competent and professional description of his horoscope should help a person to understand all this. This is the main purpose of this type of astrological services at