An astrologer should approach an astrological chart
Astrology is not like what you have studied so far. In the natural sciences, in the traditional humanities, much attention is paid to tools, to methods of research, and little to the main tool – to the one who is engaged in research. It doesn’t matter in physics. In the sciences that study a person, everything is not so simple by interacting with a person, we influence him, and the right way of interaction becomes essential. Therefore,
Best Black Magic Aghori Tantrik Astrologer in Sacramento Los Angeles, California undergo a course of procedure to feel what the patient want to know.
In occultism, however, man is the most critical measuring instrument. Your intuition and sense organs perceive everything that happens in the world, and images appear on the screen of consciousness. The accuracy of perception depends on how well the device is adjusted; in other words, how bright and pure consciousness a person has. To know more visit to
Therefore, the essential thing that an occultist should start with is himself. Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala just not study only the Zodiac, but alsoplanets and so on in astrology. It is necessary to put in order your emotions, thinking, consciousness. This is a work parallel to the study of astrology. The critical point in occultism is ethics. Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala ability to understand depends on the ethical level of a person. If our ethical level is low, he will not be able to understand the intricacies of astrology.Best Black Magic Aghori Tantrik Astrologer in Sacramento Los Angeles, California approach an astrological chart, a horoscope completely pure, without emotions. And the first thing he should avoid is a personal relationship with whoever he works with. Perhaps a positive attitude, but without too much interest in the results, otherwise the forecast will be distorted. If he wants a positive result, he will be mistaken. If he feels enmity, dislike for a person, he cannot make a map for you at all the forecast will be unclean, and you will harm him and yourself. Therefore, the ideal state is without emotion. Get all services on