When Best tantrik astrologer in TASHKENT UZBEKISTAN draws up a personal chart, he adjusts it like a dress – to the tuck. It takes into account all the main events that were “before”, specifies their time in order to reduce everything to the ideal – and if the retrospective coincides, one can expect that the perspective will also coincide in the dates of the events.
Fate is a tricky thing: it has a checkmark “it is necessary to strain” – and then how can you handle it. According to Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala there are cards that are more maneuverable, and there are fatal ones, initially with a tougher scenario. However, happiness is also fatal. Therefore, envy does not make sense. Others may have apparent advantages, but you have your own unique card – work with it and achieve a lot.
Everything has its own map – a person, a phenomenon, an enterprise, an event, a thing … Personal relationships can also be predicted and corrected. When a girl comes and asks about love, the Best tantrik astrologer in TASHKENT UZBEKISTAN looks at the cards of both.
First, clarity is important – who is this character? Then you can superimpose two cards on top of each other to understand the connection of destinies, determine the cementing points, or, conversely, those that are vulnerable. It happens that people live in love and harmony, but an acute moment is outlined in their common map. In such cases, warn you: here is more coastal, try not to include fantasies about suspicions. Sometimes spouses have to be consulted separately, observing an important rule: about each other – only the necessary information. When you see Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala for the first time, tell them where and when you were born, and he immediately proceeds to forecast using your map at onlineAGHORI.com – this is wrong. He must fit the card to you 100%, which helps rectification.