Minimum Disciplines an Astrologer Must Follow
1) Best vashikaran specialist tantrik astrologer in Kota tries to locate an asan (fixed place where he must make his predictions) in one place. This rule must be strictly followed until a certain mastery of science is achieved in reading, predicting, and advising people.
2) Even if Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala goes somewhere else to make your predictions, try to create a proper atmosphere around you.
3) If you honestly discover that you can focus in a place where there are crowds of people, don’t do it unless it’s a classroom that teaches astrology. Astrology is sacred, it is not a circus show or psychological deception. To know more about the disciplines you can browse at
4) When you see your own astrological chart, ask yourself if the period or planetary transits you are in is good enough to be successful in the study of astrology. The Best vashikaran specialist tantrik astrologer in Kota must always do fasts and austerities, he must dedicate himself to making statistical studies of the main astrology techniques. You must be humble and not arrogant and bad as this will reveal your immaturity. Astrology being a profound knowledge, it can easily transcend all calculations and scholarship. Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala is nothing but God, his role is simply to help people face their problems, with lucidity, enthusiasm and even achieve good karma for himself in case he himself as an astrologer does not fully dedicate himself to the spiritual life . The astrologer’s personal life is important otherwise his studies and understanding of science will become imperfect or incapable of helping others. The astrologers at help you in every aspects of your life.