Currently, obtaining a birth chart has become very easily accessible, but it is worth reflecting on the true role of the astrologer Bhoktibhikshu Dr Abhay Bala, which is no longer to predict or augur as if we were still in the Middle Ages.
The interpretation of a birth chart is approached today by Vashikaran specialist tantrik/astrologer in gauhati with the intention of diving inside an individual, not to tell him what he should or should not do nor to tell him what is in his best interest, much less what is going to happen to him. This would be manipulation: a path contrary to freedom.
The astrologer is someone who accompanies the consultant to certify what, inside, he already knew. It means that we all know intuitively the answers to the questions we ask ourselves, but since we have been conditioned by the mandates under which we have been educated, we do not trust that wisdom that we already possess: the one that connects us with our certainties. Therefore, the astrologer Bhoktibhikshu Dr Abhay Bala is neither a guide nor a counselor.
Richard Idemon, a teacher of astrologers who died years ago, who has left us his wisdom in very illuminating books, says in his work “The Magic Thread”: We prefer to see ourselves more as an educator than as a counselor. The roots of the word “educate” are educare, which means “to raise”, and educere, which means “to lead” or “take out”, and that is the only thing we can do as therapists, astrologers and consultants at We cannot give the truth or enlightenment to anyone, but only educere, that is, take out what someone has inside. From this humanistic vision, the function of the astrologer is to teach, teaching the client to observe and listen to himself, to know himself, to accept himself and to collaborate in his personal development process, evolving only in the direction indicated by his inner being. For more information and knowledge browse at