Astrology is not an exact science, like mathematics, nor is it magic, it is rather a human science, like psychology.
According to Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala Astrology consists in studying the influence of the planets at a given time: at the time of birth but also on a given date, in the past or the future.
It is therefore a question of painting a portrait on on the basis of complete birth coordinates (date, time, place) but also to examine the planetary influences at a given time, for the whole of the planet (world astrology) or for a particular person.
Astrology is not really a difficult subject but it is a discipline which requires a lot of time because there are many symbols to memorize and a whole interpretation to assimilate said Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala.
There are many astrology courses, mostly paid and sometimes expensive. It all depends on the quality of the teaching astrploger and no recognition of the profession exists. It is therefore important to find out first before sometimes spending large sums of money without being sure of receiving the most relevant information.
Best tantrik astrologer in Bangalore study in books. It is just as important to choose the authors well and especially to vary its sources, so as to be able, over the studies, to refine its own perceptions and develop its own methods.
The best way to start is with your own case and that of your loved ones, you can then compare the descriptions you are studying with the characters you know best. This is how, little by little, you will be able to cross-check and realize that often the same causes produce the same effects. You will thus see that, if people of the same sign have common features, the position of the Ascendant or other personal planets can considerably qualify the solar portrait at