Astrology is an important tool, which allows Best tantrik astrologer in Udupi to know in depth anything (an event, a person, a country), if we know when something started to exist. However, many times only through the sun sign, people can already get in touch with some of its characteristics, learning more about themselves. However, the subject is much more complex than at first it seems, since the information of our personality is not reflected only by our sun sign, but by the entire map we have at – which can be defined as a photograph of the sky from the moment when that we were born.
Many people end up seeking to delve deeper into the topic on sites that offer free analysis of the map, or even by consulting Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala. But there are fundamental differences between one medium and another. The information that appears in free analysis tends to be more generic and descriptive. They say: you are organized, rational, analytical, etc. As they are ready texts, and there is no one analyzing the map as a whole, the person may come across contradictory passages (as they represent different trends).
The interpretation work done by Best tantrik astrologer in Udupi is different from the ready analyzes. First of all, the astrologer does what ready-made texts do not do: he synthesizes the information, obtaining a living, dynamic, complex and unique picture. Looking at the map at, he imagines the person’s motivations, conflicts, facilities, talents. The symbol on the map can be used in several ways, and all are true to it. For example, the same symbol can be linked to lost or addicted people, but also to artists or very intuitive people. The symbol has infinite possibilities of manifestation, and therefore, it is necessary to know how it is manifesting for that person says Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala. When interpreting a map for your client, the astrologer will be able to cite characteristics, but his interpretation aims, mainly, to approach the questions that are important.