Astrology by phone: Your future is in the stars
The astrology is the language of the stars. The Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Chapra studies the position of the planets, their movements and their interactions. By observing your natal chart, the clairvoyant astrologer can determine the events to come, the personality, his love compatibility , the favorable or unfavorable influences etc. At you will find professional astrologers!
According to Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala to define it, it is essential to know precisely the day, time and place of birth of the consultant to draw up a sky map of the moment of his birth. The astrological sign, the ascendant but also the 12 houses orbiting around the astrological sign are calculated in relation to the time of birth. The astral theme being the basis of the astrological study, it is vital that it is established by Vashikaran specialist best tantrik astrologer in Chapra. Do not stay in the dark, contact us for a serious and precise astrology consultation.
THE BIRTH CHART: WHAT IS IT? The birth chart illustrates the position of the planets (see at in the sky at the precise time of birth. Your astrological sign is the sign where the sun is at the time of your birth. The astrological ascendant is the zodiac sign that rises in the east at the exact moment of your birth: you must therefore know the day, the time and the place of birth. The zodiac is divided into 12 houses says Bhoktibhikshu Dr. Abhay Bala, each of which corresponds to an aspect of your life: love, money, work, family. The planets that are in the different houses at the time of birth determine the personality.